作者:裴江涛,李嫚,韩旭,王帅康 单位:大连理工大学
Experimental Research on Stainless Steel Expansion Based on
Spindle Current and Cutting Force Signal
Pei Jiangtao,Li Man,Han Xu,Wang Shuaikang
Abstract:Two kinds of stainless steel materials are expanded by the reaming drill in the experiment,and the dynamic signal of the cutting force and spindle current of the machine tool is collected in real time.The static characteristics of the two kinds of monitoring signals are studied by analyzing the influence of feed rate and cutting speed on them.The results show that the cutting force and spindle current go up with the increase of feed rate and go down with the increase of speed;there is a good consistency between the spindle current and the horizontal force,and the main influencing factors are the plastic and chip breaking conditions of the material.The law of axial force is different from that of horizontal force,its main influencing factors are the hardness and strength of the material.In addition,the dynamic characteristics of the two kinds of signals are also compared and analyzed,and the results show that the dynamic signals of horizontal force and spindle current all have the same trend in the initial cutting stage,while the axial force is different,this is because the change of the coefficient of friction between the cutters in the cutting stage has little effect on the axial force.
Keywords:stainless steel;spindle current;cutting force;static characteristics;dynamic characteristics