作者:周玉海1,2,王成勇1,杨书荣3 单位:1广东工业大学;2广州铁路职业技术学院;3广州市德慷软件有限公司
摘要:以注塑模具中的组合骨位电极为例,探讨石墨骨位组合电极高速铣削过程中各工序的工艺特点,应用 PowerMILL软件生成典型骨位石墨组合电极的高速加工程序,阐述了加工石墨电极零件格式、骨位石墨组合电极粗加工、半精加工和精加工、清根及清角三种加工策略编程策略的选择。通过合理选用PowerMILL加工策略,解决石墨电极数控加工中容易出现的刀具磨损严重问题,从而达到高质、高效地加工石墨电极的目的。
High Speed Milling Programming Strategy for Graphite Combined Bone Shape 
Electrode with PowerMILL Software 
Zhou Yuhai,Wang Chengyong,Yang Shurong
Abstract:The composite electrode in injection mould is taken as an example to investigate the characteristics of the high speed milling process for graphite materials and bone combination electrode.The PowerMILL software is used in the NC machining of typical bone combined graphite electrode for high speed machining programming.The processing of graphite electrode parts format is described,and a bone combinatory graphite electrode processing strategy is selected.The three processing strategy programming strategy,roughing,semifinishing and finishing,clean and clear angle are described.By reasonably selecting PowerMILL processing strategy,the problems of severe tool wear which often appeared in NC machining of graphite electrode are solved,and it can achieve high quality and high efficiency processing of graphite electrode.
Keywords:graphite electrode;numerical control programming;PowerMILL NC software;processing strategy