作者:郭大林1,郭旭红1,张克栋1,盖立武2,陈亚东1,周驰驰1 单位:1苏州大学;2苏州市职业大学
Effect of Combined Internal Cooling and Microgroove Texture on 
Cutting Force and Chip Morphology in Drilling Ti6Al4V
Guo Dalin,Guo Xuhong,Zhang Kedong,Gai Liwu,Chen Yadong,Zhou Chichi
Abstract:To reduce the cutting temperature and improve the antifriction of the toolchip and toolworkpiece interfaces,microgroove textures are fabricated in the rake,flank and the both faces of the carbide internal cooling twist drills by Nd:YAG laser.Drilling experiments are carried out on Ti6Al4V at different cutting speeds.The results show that the microgroove textures on the rake face can significantly increase the degree of chip curling,reduce the contact length at the toolchip interface,and improve the chip breaking capacity while the internal cooling ability can be significantly enhanced by the microtextures in the flank face to decrease the drilling force.
Keywords:internal cooling twist drill;microgroove texture;drilling force;chip morphology