作者:杜成立1,李亮2 单位:1成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司;2南京航空航天大学
中图分类号:TG506.6;TH161+.1 文献标志码:A
Evaluation Method of NC Machining Efficiency Based on Surface Forming Rate
Du Chengli ,Li Liang
Abstract:With the development of NC technique,the manufactory of aircraft structure pays more attention on how to manufact part in a highly efficient way.However,the traditional method on efficiency evaluation can not evaluation parts processing′s efficiency accurately.This paper advances a theory based on surface forming rate and sets up critertion of efficiency and sample library of efficiency.The application results show that the method of efficiency evaluation which based on surface forming rate is absolutely remarkable and takes a good guiding significance.
Keywords:aircraft structure;NC manufactory;efficiency evaluation;critertion of efficiency