作者:周云飞,赛云秀,郭思璇 单位:西安工业大学
Design and Analysis of Special Fixture for Aviation Equipment Product
Based on ANSYS
Zhou yunfei,Sai Yunxiu,Guo Sixuan
Abstract:During the machining of the turbine rear coverassy,to reduce the machining error caused by the instability of fixture,a special fixture is designed.According to the structure characteristics of the rear coverassy and the technological level of the enterprise,it can precisely locate and clamp the back cover assembly in the machining center.The structure characteristics of the fixture are described in detail,and the static and modal analysis is carried out by ANSYS. The simulation results show that the design of special fixture meets the requirements of processing technology,safe and reliable,and achieves the requirement of processing quality of the enterprise. The research method and results can provide the basis for the optimization of the following special fixture.
Keywords:special fixture;rear coverassy;static analysis;modal analysis;ANSYS