作者:郭天赐1,曹岩1,李丽娟1,刘菊花2,孙夏辉2 单位:1西安工业大学;2河南平原光电有限公司
摘要:针对国内数控加工中心刀具管理混乱、刀具损耗严重进而导致加工工件次品率急剧上升等实际问题,结合国内外智能切削刀具的研究现状和发展水平,提出一种支持物联网的智能切削刀具视觉在线监测系统。该系统构建支持物联网的机器视觉刀具磨损在线监测,采用Zig Bee技术组建无线传感器网络,通过机床关键部位安装的传感器,实现数据的实时传输。通过以太网传输到智能管理系统,并对在线视觉监控和实时传输数据进行分析与整理,完成对刀具生命全周期的在线监测和管理,在保证加工质量的同时提高加工效率和降低成本。
Support IoT Intelligent Cutting Tool Vision Online Monitoring System
Guo Tianci,Cao Yan,Li Lijuan,Liu Juhua,Sun Xiahui
Abstract:Aiming at the chaos of tool management in domestic NC machining centers and the serious tool wear which leads to the sharp rise of the defective rate of workpiece,a vision online monitoring system for intelligent cutting tools supporting internet of things is proposed.The system constructs a machine vision tool wear online monitoring system supporting the Internet of Things,uses Zig Bee technology to build a wireless sensor network,through the key parts of machine tools installed sensors,to achieve realtime data transmission, through Ethernet transmission to the intelligent management system,and finally online visual monitoring and realtime transmission number.According to the analysis and finishing,the online monitoring and management of tool life cycle is completed,which can improve the machining efficiency and reduce the cost while guaranteeing the machining quality.
Keywords:intelligent manufacturing;online monitoring;internet of thing;machine vision monitoring