作者:王鑫,张飞虎,李琛,饶小双 单位:哈尔滨工业大学
Development and Research Status of Ice Blasting Technology
Wang Xin,Zhang Feihu,Li Chen,Rao Xiaoshuang
Abstract:Ice blasting polishing technology is a new type of polishing technology that use ice as abrasive grain instead of traditional abrasive grain.Driven by highspeed gas,ice particles move together in a high speed and then impact on the surface of workpiece,thus the surface of workpiece is machined.Ice blasting polishing has been widely used because it is a nonpolluted technology that does less damage to workpiece surface and less residue.There is no need to do other work to clean the workpiece.The development and research status of ice blasting technology through the basic theory and the key technology of ice blasting are discussed,and the future develop direction is mentioned.
Keywords:ice blasting polishing technology;theory;preparation of ice particles;application