作者:严鉴铂,林欧 单位:陕西法士特齿轮有限责任公司
Calculation of Tooth Profile and Top Fillet 
Based on Involute Fitting Hob of Rectangle Spline 
Yan Jianbo,Lin Ou
Abstract:In order to facilitate manufacturing,the tooth profile of the rectangular spline hob is usually replaced by arcs.The rectangular spline hob with no top fillet is quickly wear out,tending to result in stress concentration,the tooth root of the machined spline is serrated.And the present theory has no specification for the design of the top fillet of the rectangular spline hob.In this paper,based on the principle hob,the calculation method of the involute fitting tooth profile and the top fillet of the hob for rectangular splines are derived.
Keywords:rectangular spline;involute;hob;top fillet