作者:闫继豪,赵国龙,李亮,何宁,王茂 单位:南京航空航天大学
Experimental Study on Micro Milling of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy
with High Aspect Ratio Micro Tool
Yan Jihao,Zhao Guolong,Li Liang,He Ning,Wang Mao
Abstract:Micro tool with high aspect ratio is needed in micro milling of high aspect ratio micro structure.However,micro milling tool with high aspect ratio has poor stiffness,which results in its breakage easily.Thus smaller milling parameters are favorable.In this paper,an experimental study on micro milling of titanium alloy with carbide micro tool with an aspect ratio of 5 is carried out.The effects of milling parameters on milling force,machined surface roughness and top burrwidthare investigated.The results show thatwith increasing of feed per tooth and milling depth,the milling force increases gradually.With increasing of feed per tooth,the surface roughness decreases firstly and increases subsequently.However,milling depth has no obvious influence on the surface roughness.With increasing of feed per tooth,the width of top burr decreases.When using low feed per tooth,the width of top burr decreases with increasing of the milling depth.However,when using high feed per tooth,the milling depth has no obvious influence on the width of top burr.
Keywords:micro milling;Ti6Al4V;high aspect ratiomicro tool;surface roughness;top burr width