Drilling Simulation Analysis of High Strength Steel Based on Software DEFORM
Ma Weiwei,Cao Yan,Fu Leijie,Bai Yu
Abstract:High strength steel in the drilling process will appear some problems like chip breaking difficulties,high cutting temperature,the cutting force per unit area is too high and some other issues,using traditional cutting test methods not only spend more time and money,but also the efficiency is not high,and the predictability of cutting is not strong.In view of the problems encountered in the drilling process of high strength steel,the paper simulates the drilling process with DEFORM-3D,analyzed the corresponding problems then proposed solutions in the simulation process,obtain the visual simulation results of drilling,such as axial force,torque,drilling temperature and so on.Based on the analysis of single factor simulation,compared and analyzed the force situation of different feed rate and the force value calculated by empirical value,and the value of load in drilling is close to the theoretical calculation value,which provides valuable reference basis for the process personnel to study high strength steel drilling process.
Keywords:DEFORM3D;high strength steel;drilling force;coating;tool wear;temperature