作者:楚满福,高军,郑光明,李源,张旭,于英钊 单位:山东理工大学
摘要:针对铁基高温合金GH2132高速加工时铣削力大、加工质量不稳定的特点,采用新型涂层硬质合金刀具进行高速干铣削试验,研究切削参数对铣削力及加工表面粗糙度的影响规律。运用极差分析法并根据泰勒公式、正交试验数据和回归分析得出拟合公式,结果表明:对铣削合力峰值影响较大的切削因素是轴向切削深度和径向切削深度;对加工表面粗糙度影响较大的因素是每齿进给量和轴向切削深度。当vc =50-100m/min、fz=0.08-0.10mm/z、ap=0.2-0.3mm、ae=3-4mm时,可以获得较小的铣削力和表面粗糙度,且拟合公式可以有效预测加工过程中铣削力和表面粗糙度值。本文对探究刀片磨损机理及提高表面加工质量提供了参考数据。
Cutting Forces and Surface Roughness in Highspeed Milling 
of Ironbased Superalloy with Coated Tool
Chu Manfu,Gao Jun,Zheng Guangming,Li Yuan,Zhang Xu,Yu Yingzhao
Abstract:According to the characteristics of large milling force and unstable machining quality during highspeed machining of ironbased superalloy GH2132,a new type of coated carbide tool is used for highspeed dry milling test to study the influence of cutting parameters on milling force and surface roughness of machining surface.By using the range analysis method and the Taylor formula,orthogonal test data and regression analysis to obtain the fitting formula,the results show that the cutting factors that have a great influence on the peak value of the milling force are the axial cutting depth and the radial cutting depth.The factors affecting the roughness of the machined surface are the feed per tooth and the axial depth of cut.When vc=50-100m/min,fz=0.08-0.10mm/z,ap=0.2-0.3mm,ae=3-4mm,smaller milling forces and surface roughness can be obtained,and the fitting formula can effectively predict milling forces and surface roughness during machining.The research in this paper provides reference data for investigating blade wear mechanism and improving the surface processing quality.
Keywords:ironbased superalloy;high speed milling;cutting force;surface roughness;coated tool