作者:张渝1,杨时敏1,袁睿斌1,吴战武1,张英杰1,刘洋1,徐志刚2 单位:1上海航天化工应用研究所;2中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所
Realization of Combined Machining System for Coated Grain and Research on Drilling Technology
Zhang Yu,Yang Shimin,Yuan Ruibin,Wu Zhanwu,Zhang Yingjie,Liu Yang,Xu Zhigang
Abstract:In this paper,the system composition and the key technology implementation method is described,and the drilling process is studied,and the simulation of the temperature of drilling holes and the nondestructive clamping of the coated grain are carried out.The operation of shaping the free loading coated grain is manual procedure,the operation method not only falls behind,but also has big security risk.The quality consistency of manual operation is poor,and the production efficiency is very low.These problems have become restricting the development of the free loading coated grain.Inview of the above problems,an intelligent integrated system of automatic shaping grain which can realize grain end cutting and drilling holes.The system can ensure the safety of shaping operation and product quality,improve the shaping operation efficiency,reducethe labor intensity of workers,in order to meet the needs of the development of future mass production.
Keywords:grain;drilling process;intellectualization