作者:田凤杰,吕冲 单位:沈阳理工大学
Research on Surface Roughness of Robotic Abrasive Belt Grinding
Based on BP Neural Network
Tian Fengjie,Lv Chong
Abstract:In order to improve the prediction accuracy of the surface roughness of robot abrasive belt grinding,the research method based on BP neural network is selected to study.The experiment of grinding aluminum alloy plate with robot abrasive belt is carried out.BP neural network is used to establish the prediction model between process parameters and the workpiece surface roughness based on test results.The prediction model is simulated,and the prediction accuracy of this model is verified by the experiment.The results show that the prediction accuracy of this model is high.It can predict the surface roughness based on different process parameters,and optimize the process parameters of aluminum alloy plate grinding with robot abrasive belt.
Keywords:robotic abrasive belt grinding;surface quality;BP neural network;prediction model