作者:程锐,艾兴,葛栋良,梅飞 单位:山东大学
Experimental Analysis of Machinability of Micro-Texture Tool Turning
Titanium Alloy under Condition of MQL
Cheng Rui,Ai Xing,Ge Dongliang,Mei Fei
Abstract:To further study the influence of microtexture tool combining with minimal quantity lubrication(MQL) on metal machining,the paper,using laser machine in preparation for different pits of micro array on rake face of cemented carbide cutting tool,conducts a series of experiments on turning titanium alloy under the condition of MQL.Surface quality of workpiece serves as the evaluation standard and the related factors are optimized and then tool wear is analyzed.The research shows that under certain condition,a significant improvement on surface quality is achieved with the method,where temperature and area ratio are the main single factors that affect,while wear situation gets improved and adhesive wear is still main form of tool wear.
Keywords:microtexture tool;MQL;friction;machinability