作者:许晋1,2,庞安定1,刘鹏程1,谢鹏1,李屏1,2,王社权1,2 单位:1株洲市钻石切削刀具股份有限公司;2硬质合金国家重点实验室
Experimental Research on Unequal Helix Angles End mills
Xu Jin,Pang Anding,Liu Pengcheng,Xie Peng,Li Ping,Wang Shequan
Abstract: Each cutting edges of unequal helix end mill is provided with variablet helix angle.Through the cutting experiment,compared with traditional end mills,unequal helix angle end mills and ordinary unequal helix angles end mills.The experimental results show that unequal helix angles end mills can significantly reduce the vibration in the cutting process compared with the traditional enqual pitch end mills,especially when the thinwalled parts are processed,the unequal helix angle end mills can obtain better surface quality than the common unequal helix end mills.
Keywords:unequal helix angle;cutting edge;equal pitch;vibration;thin wall;surface quality