作者:王进,刘念聪,陈建龙,耿伟涛 单位:成都理工大学
中图分类号:TP273+.2; TH113.2文献标志码:A
Adaptive Control of Servo System Based on LuGre Model
Wang Jin,Liu Niancong,Chen Jianlong,Geng Weitao
Abstract:To reduce the influence of friction and other nonlinear factors on the stability of feed system,the system dynamic model based on LuGre model is established,and the nonlinear single observer is designed to estimate the deformation of contact surface. An adaptive friction compensation controller is designed to compensate the frictionand external disturbance.It is proved that the system of global asymptotic stability by using the Lyapunov theorem. The simulation results show that the adaptive parameter value of kz between 0.1-0.12,value of γ1 between 1.9-2.1,the position tracking error has reached 10-3,the output speed and displacement quickly stabilized. It has better tracking precision and higher response speed,and the compensation method can effectively suppress the adverse effects of friction and external disturbances on the system.
Keywords:feed systemfriction compensation;LuGre model;adaptive