Effect of Tool Geometric Parameters on Milling Force of Carbon/Epoxy Composite
Li Feng,Zhang Xi,Wang Jinglun,Wang Bo,Du Chonghui
Abstract:In order to improve the tool life in the milling of CFRP,the tool structure is optimized.The orthogonal experiment between the tool structure parameters(front angle,rear angle,rotation angle)and the milling force of CFRP are designed,and the effects of the tool structure parameters on the milling force of CFRP are obtained.For the cutting force of X direction,the impact of the three tool structure parameters is following:front angle,rotation angle,rear angle.For the cutting force of Y direction,the impact sequence is: front angle,rear angle,rotation angle.For the cutting force of Z direction,the impact sequence is: rotation angle,rear angle,front angle.With increasing of the front angle,the cutting forces in three directions of the CFRP are decreased.With increasing the rear angle,the cutting force of the X direction and Z direction are firstly decreased and then increased,but the cutting force in Y directions is decreased.With increasing of the rotation angle,the cutting force of the X direction and Y direction are slowly decreased,but the cutting force in Z direction is decreased rapidly.
Keywords:tool geometric parameters;carbon/epoxy composite;milling force