作者:李铸宇,王洪阳,刘贺轩,胡建忠 单位:大连工业大学
Modeling and Analysis of Twist Drill Fluting Fulfilling Required Web 
Thickness and Rake Angle
Li Zhuyu,Wang Hongyang,Liu Hexuan,Hu Jianzhong
Abstract:Different kinds of flute configuration and modeling are developed for drills and other non-traditional cutting tools in last decades.As substitute of the meshing theory based fluting method,a kind of flute prevails is ground by using 1V1/1A1 standard wheel,and it should fulfill required web thickness and radial rake angle and to search an accurate wheel position for CNC grinding.This paper presents a novel method by straight forwardly determining install position of the grinding wheel.Based on the relative movement with variables′ parameterization,equations to keep web thickness are firstly derived.Then,a family of flute crosssectional curves is computed automatically with respect to grinding process parameters and wheel geometry.The calculation process is characterized by concise in principle and easy to use.Its validity is verified by good agreement between the results computed and manufactured example.The proposed method is flexible and adaptable to different wheels and could play as a role of grinding parameters atlas for drill design.
Keywords:twist drill;flute;equidistant curve;web thickness;rake angle