中图分类号:TG806; TH741.3; TP391.4文献标志码:A
Research on Technology and Equipment for Surface Defects of
Microcomponents Based on Machine Vision
Zhao Haifeng,Guo Yan,Cui Ji,Shen Jiangyue,Yuan Minghu,Zhu Cheng
Abstract:In view of the low efficiency of manual detection for microcomponents,the recognition technology and equipment for surface defects is studied.An automatic detection platform is designed.Taking the typical bearing parts as the measured objects,the imaging,filtering and image enhancement of the object are completed based on the machine vision.And the defects on the surface of the parts are extracted through the proposed image difference algorithm which compared test pattern and standard pattern.The experiments show that the system can detect the defects of microcomponents,such as surface depression,wear,scratch,bulge and so on,and the system can improve the detection efficiency of the products.
Keywords:machine vision,micro components,surface defects,image detection