作者:付俊帆1,秦慧斌1,2,吴霄1,牛金荣1,吕明2 单位:1中北大学先进制造技术山西省重点实验室;2太原理工大学精密加工山西省重点实验室



Design and Research of Longitudinalflexural Resonant Ultrasonic Grinding Transducer with Large Load
Fu Junfan,Qin Huibin,Wu Xiao,Niu Jinrong,Lv Ming

Abstract:Based on the Mindlin theory,longitudinalflexural resonant transducer is researched for the large tool load in ultrasonic grinding system.Longitudinalflexural resonant transducer is divided into horn,annular plate base,and annular plate ofabrasive layer.Displacement and stress functions of three parts are established.With boundary conditions,frequency equation of longitudinalflexural resonant transducer can be established.According to the frequency equation,a ultrasonic grinding transducer is designed.The transducer is analyzed by FEM simulation and ultrasonic resonance experiment.The result proves that resonant frequency of the ultrasonic grinding transducer agrees with the design frequency.Radial amplitude curves of grinding wheel in theoretical model and experiment are almost the same.The design method of longitudinalflexural resonant ultrasonic grinding transducer is proved correct,providing the basis for ultrasonic grinding system design.

Keywords:ultrasonic grinding;longitudinalflexural resonance;transducer;resonant frequency;Mindlin theory