作者:吴超,赵娟,姚福钦,李荣祥,王传阳 单位:青岛理工大学


中图分类号:TG702;TH122文献标志码:ADesign of Axle Rolling Tool and Rolling Test AnalysisWu Chao,Zhao Juan,Yao Fuqin,Li Rongxiang,Wang Chuanyang

Abstract:When the axle of EMU is running,the axle at the corner is prone to fatigue failure,even causing the axle to break.A ball rolling tool is designed for the EA4T axle of EMU to strengthen the axle surface,the rolling tool element is designed and selected.The influence of rolling pressure,feed speed and spindle speed on the surface quality of the axle are obtained by rolling test.

Keywords:EMU axle;rolling;tool design;surface quality