作者:许松,李文斌 单位:太原理工大学


中图分类号:TG54;TH117文献标志码:AInfluence of Friction Coefficient on MicromillingXu Song,Li Wenbin

Abstract:The ABAQUS finite element analysis software is used to simulate TC4,and a twodimensional milling model based on trochoid is established.The influence of friction coefficient on milling force,temperature and residual stress is analyzed.It is found that with the increase of the friction coefficient,the milling force increased and the temperature increased.When the friction coefficient increased to 0.4 or more,the increase is decreased.The residual stress increases with the increase of the friction coefficient,and the tensile stress layer increases slowly.

Keywords:finite element simulation;micromilling;friction coefficient;milling force;residual stress