作者:李友浩1,张海鸥2,张弓1,韩彰秀1,王卫军1,侯至丞1,徐征1,蔡君义1 单位:1广州中国科学院先进技术研究所机器人与智能装备中心;2华中科技大学数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室



3D Measurement of Deposition Layer of Arcbased Additive Manufacturing

Based on Linestructured Light
Li Youhao,Zhang Haiou,Zhang Gong,Han Zhangxiu,Wang Weijun,
Hou Zhicheng,Xun Zheng,Cai Junyi

Abstract:A 3D measurement system is built based on linestructured light to monitor the deposition process on time.The CMOS’s parameters are calibratedby using tool box in MATLAB.A welldesigned jagged part is used to calibrate the rotation matrix and translation matrix.The graygravity algorithmis improved with adaptive threshold method.The whole deposition shaping part is scanned by following the movement of CNC machine to collect 3D size information.The result shows that the 3D measurement system has high precision that the measurement error in Zdirection is less than 0.4% of the range.A software is developed to feedback deposition shaping part′s 3D size information to path planning system and generate the milling code and adjust deposition path of next layer.

Keywords:arcbased additive manufacturing;3D measurement;linestructured light;deposition layer