摘要:利用有限元仿真软件AdvantEdge FEM对新型钻头孔加工的钻削过程进行虚拟仿真分析,研究钻削力、扭矩等随钻削用量、刀具大小改变的变化规律,分析可换头钻头较传统麻花钻的优势。
Research on Cutting Performance of Interchangeable Head DrillBased on Analysis of Simulation and Experiment
Yi Liang,Zhou Liping,Jiang Fan,Peng Lugui,Tang Yonghua
Abstract:The finite element simulation software AdvantEdge FEM is used to simulate the drilling process of the new drill hole machining.
Based on the analysis of the advantages of inter changeable head drill compared to traditional twist drill,the variation rules of drilling force,torque and so on while drilling amount and tool size are studied.The range analysis method is used to analyze the data under different simulation conditions to get the influence of drilling parameters and tool size on drilling force,temperature and torque.Based on the orthogonal experiment,the drilling experiment is carried out by setting up an experimental platform.According to the experimental results,the experimental parameters are further optimized so that the error between the experimental value and the simulation value is within a certain range to ensure the feasibility of finite element simulation analysis on the new tool.
Keywords:interchangeable head drill;drilling force;orthogonal experiment;simulation analysis