中图分类号:TG54;TH14文献标志码:AAnalysis on Tool Wear Mechanism of Al2O3Based Ceramic Cutting Tool
Based on Discrete Element Method
Zhao Baiqiang,Gu Meilin,Liu Rui,Du Hao,Gu Tingting
Abstract:Based on the discrete element method and PFC2D software,the BPM models of ceramic material and of workpiece material are established.The evolution process of material peeling off and the crack extension is simulated.By using the single factor method,the cutting depth,cutting speed,cutting tool rake angle and different alumina ceramic material effects on tool wear are analyzed.The basis for improving the processing quality and choosing reasonable processing parameters is provided by this method.The results show that the increase of cutting speed can reduce the wear amount and improve the processing efficiency in a certain range.The right cutting depth to reduce attrition quantity,extend the service life of cutting tools should be chosen in machining,and the small cutting depth is used.In order to reduce tool wear and get the better processing quality of workpiece,the rake angle6 is the advisable choice.With increase of fracture toughness and the hardness of tools,the tool wear quantity is decreased.
Keywords:alumina ceramic cutting tools;tool wear;discrete element method simulation;attrition quantity