Scale and Orientation Adaptive Mean Shift Tracking Based on Texture Feature
Wu Han,Dong Mingli,Fan Fan,Zheng Hao
Abstract:There are two problems about classical meanshift algorithm which are caused by background similarities of color feature and scale and orientation change of the target in the process of target tracking,a scale and orientation adaptive mean shift tracking based on texture feature is proposed on this paper.Firstly,this paper solves the threshold value of gray level by adaptive algorithm to get the model of target combining with color feature to establish target model.Secondly,this paper extracts the image area of target through the method of template matching.Finally,for ensuring tracking accuracy,the scale and orientation adaptive covariance matrix estimation and the least square algorithm are used to satisfy the realtime scale and orientation changes of the target.Compared with other classic mean shift algorithm by experiments,the algorithm in this paper has improved significantly in precision and efficiency.
Keywords:mean shift;texture feature;threshold of texture feature adaptive;scale and orientation adaptive