作者:李伟凡,周超,谢映 单位:福州大学


中图分类号:TG84;TH741.3文献标志码:AModeling of Rough Surface Based on MultiDirection Continuous WaveletLi Weifan,Zhou Chao,Xie Ying

Abstract:Modeling method of parametricrough surface morphological depends on efficient mathematical modeling tools.The traditional rough surface modeling methods are difficult to control stationary texture or combine processes with nonstationary stochastic fractal processes due to the nonsparseness and redundancy of the control parameters.In this paper,combining multidirectional wavelet modeling with multifractal modeling method,an improved rough surface modeling method based on the multidirectional wavelet,with multiscale,multidirectional and multifractal properties is constructed.By manually setting different surface morphological parameters,the program can model and analyze surface shape or corresponding power spectrum of milling surface.The results show that the rough surface constructed by multidirectional wavelet is more suitable than the traditional anisotropic fractal surface modeling or texture modeling.Method of multidirectional wavelet modeling has better texture control ability and multiscale modeling ability,can satisfy the required surface morphology in any directional and scale.

Keywords:multidirectional wavelet;rough surface modeling;multifractal;surface structure parameter