作者:阮小琪,曾志强,杜文华,王俊元 单位:中北大学



Optimization of Image Measurement Path of Porous Parts Based on Greedy Algorithm
Ruan Xiaoqi,Zeng Zhiqiang,Du Wenhua,Wang Junyuan
Abstract:In the measurement work,the path of moving workbench for image measuring instrument is not the same in different measurement orders.In the same measurement conditions,the shorter the workbench moving path,the less time it takes to complete the measurement.The measurement path of image measuring instrument is optimized for the measurement of a porous parts that based on the greedy algorithm.Compared with four fixedorder path planning schemes,the effectiveness of the optimization algorithm is compared and analyzed.The results show that the press line scaning and press column scanning path planning in some cases can achieve good effect,but not universal.For the program in the order of selection,in order to achieve the desired results,the operator is selected to measure higher requirements.Greedy optimization scheme of measuring path to shorten the effect is very obvious,the measurement time is effectively reduced,and the measurement efficiency of the image measuring instrument is improved.

Keywords:image measuring instrument;path optimization;greedy algorithm;shortest path