Comparison and Analysis on Tool Wear of Helical Milling and Conventional Drilling
in Machining CFRP/Ti Laminated Material
Wang Ben,Ma Zhenbo,Wang Minghai,Chang Kang,Zheng Yaohui
Abstract:According to the wear of cutting tool in helical milling and traditional drilling,the experiments are carried out on CFRP/Ti laminated materials by helical milling and traditional drilling test.On the basis of the same processing efficiency and cutting line speed,the cutting force and the length of tool flank wear are measured in the two kinds of machining holes process.The results show that the cutting force of the helical milling is obviously smaller than that of drilling hole.During the machining process,the cutting force of the helical milling is more gentle than the cutting force of the drilling.Under the same parameters,the tool is failed when the helical milling is done to 24 holes,and the tool is failed when the conventional drilling is done to 18 holes.The tool of the helical milling is more wearresistant than the drilling tool,and the number of machining holes is more by helical milling.
Keywords:CFRP/Ti laminated material;helical milling;drilling;cutting force;flank wear