作者:符永宏,李玉弟,康正阳,顾亚励,邹国文,郑峰 单位:江苏大学



Experimental Research on Cutting Performance of Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools by Laser Texturing
Fu Yonghong,Li Yudi,Kang Zhengyang,Gu Yali,Zou Guowen,Zheng Feng
Abstract:The tungsten carbide cutting tools are done with texturing on the rake face by using laser technology to fabricate convex textured tools and concave cavity textured tools.Cutting tests are carried out under the liquid lubrication condition,and their cutting performances are compared with that of untextured tools.The results show that compared with the conventional tools,their the friction coefficient,the length at the toolchip interface,the radius of chips are significantly decreased,especially the convex textured tools.Under the liquid lubrication condition,the liquid can flow into the toolchip interface due to the textures,and they can be as the storage of the lubrication.Besides,convex texture can enhance antiadhesive property.As a result,the research shows that convex texture can enhance the tool′s cutting performance.

Keywords:laser technical;texturing;cutting experiment;cutting performance