作者:关佳亮1,张妤1,胡志远1,戚泽海1,赵显辉2 单位:1北京工业大学;2首都航天机械公司



SiCp/Al Composites for Aerospace ELID Grinding and
Optimization of Process Parameters
Guan Jialiang,Zhang Yu,Hu Zhiyuan,Qi Zehai,Zhao Xianhui

Abstract:Aiming at the difficult problem of SiCp/Al composites for aerospace,as well as the processing requirements of satellite output shafts,ELID grinding technology is used to test SiCp/Al with volume fraction of 48%.The process parameters affecting the surface roughness are analyzed by quadratic general regression spin combination method,the optimum process parameters of SiCp/Al composite ELID grinding are obtained by using Lingo software.When the grinding depth is 0.88mm,the wheel speed is 35m/min,the electrolytic current is 11A,the duty cycle is 54%,and grinding the aerospace SiCp/Al composites under the optimum process parameters can get a machined surface with a surface roughness of 96nm.

Keywords:SiCp/Al;ELID grinding mechanism;surface roughness;optimization of process parameters