作者:谢黎明,李巧红,靳岚 单位:兰州理工大学
摘要:针对汽车覆盖件模具制造中常用的典型高硬度、高强度、高耐磨性的淬硬钢材料Cr12MoV,建立了基于Third Wave AdvantEdge的2D有限元模型。基于正交模拟设计,运用极差分析与方差分析方法,研究了各铣削参数对于铣削力的影响规律。结果表明:各铣削参数对Fx、Fy的影响顺序主次一致,即轴向切深最大,每齿进给量次之,径向切宽与切削速度的影响最小。采用MATLAB软件建立了铣削力的预测模型并得出结论:在所选参数范围内,该模型能够有效预测高速铣削Cr12MoV材料时的铣削力。从减小铣削力和提高铣削加工稳定性的角度出发,在所选参数范围内给出了高速铣削Cr12MoV材料时的最优切削参数组合为vc=201m/min、fz=0.1mm、ap=01mm、ae=0.5mm。



Analysis of Milling Force for Hardened Mould Steel Based on Third Wave AdvantEdge
Xie Liming,Li Qiaohong,Jin Lan
Abstract:Hardened mould steel is commonly used in the manufacture of automobile panel dies,for its high strength,high hardness and high wear resistance.Based on Third Wave AdvantEdge,a 2D finite element model for the highspeed milling of Cr12MoV is established.Based on the orthogonal simulation design,the influences of the milling parameters on the milling force are studied by means of range analysis and variance analysis.The results show that the axial depth is the most important,the feed rate of each tooth is the next,and the radial cutting width and the cutting speed are the least.The prediction model is established by using MATLAB,and the model can effectively predict the milling force.From the point of view of reducing milling force and improving highspeed machining stability,it is concluded that the optimal cutting parameters for Cr12MoV are vc=201m/min,fz=0.1mm,ap=0.1mm and ae=0.5mm.
Keywords:Cr12MoV;finite element simulation;milling force;prediction model