Finite Element Simulation of Serrated Chip in Inclined Cutting of Hardened 45 Steel
Wang Hongjun,Li Guohe,Li Yanhui
Abstract:The research on the simulation of high speed cutting for serrated chip is usually based on 2D modeling,and the 3D simulation is rare.Because the cutting process is a 3D deformation of workpiece,it′s badly in need of the research on 3D finite element simulation of cutting process to further reveal the mechanism of high speed cutting.The 3D simulation inclined high speed cutting of hardened 45 steel (45HRC) is carried out based on ABAQUS.The forming process of serrated chip is simulated by adopting the JohnsonCook material modeling and separation criterion of failure strain.The change of chip morphology,chip flow angle and deformation coefficient of width under different rake angle and cutting depth are analyzed.The results show that the segment degree of chip becomes larger with the decrease of rake angle and increase of cutting depth. The chip flow angle is not affected by rake angle and its value is approximately equal to inclination angle,but it increases with the increase of cutting depth. The deformation coefficient of width increases with the decrease of rake angle and the increase of cutting depth.
Keywords:inclined high speed cutting;hardened 45 steel;serrated chip;finite element simulation