作者:饶雄1,李俭1,唐茂1,邓嫄媛1,严磊2,张钟鑫2 单位:1成都大学;2成都云内动力有限公司


Design of Special Gauge to Measure The Depth of Value Seat Ring for Engine Cylinder Head Machining
Rao Xiong,Li Jian,Tang Mao,Deng Yuanyuan,Yan Lei,Zhang Zhongxin

Abstract:In view of the difficulty in measuring the depth dimension of valve seat ring of engine cylinder head machining,the design of a special gauge to measure the depth is proposed.The technical requirements of measured elements and measurement principle are deeply studied,the key structure of gauge is designed and the specific usage of the gauge is described in detail.Through the test,the gauge is repeatability and reproducibility evaluated and studied,the requirements of product measurement are met. The designed gauge can be used to quickly and accurately measure the depth dimension of the valve seat ring,which greatly improves the detection efficiency and accuracy,and solves a testing problem for engine cylinder head machining.

Keywords:cylinder head;valve seat ring;depth dimensions;special gauge