作者:王绪昌1,2,周咏辉1,2,赵军1,2 单位:1山东大学高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室;2机械工程国家级实验教学示范中心
Study on Surface Roughness of Ballend Milled Hardened Die Steel
 Based on Orthogonal Experiment
Wang Xuchang,Zhou Yonghui,Zhao Jun
Abstract:The effect of milling parameters on surface roughness of ballend milled hardened die steel Cr12MoV with carbide tools was investigated by orthogonal experiments.Orthogonal tests are conducted according to a designed fivefactor and fivelevel orthogonal test table.Spindle speed,feed per tooth,radial depth of cut,tilt angle and lead angle are selected as the main factors.The dependence of surface roughness on cutting parameters is analyzed by maximum difference analysis and analysis of variance(ANOVA),and then the main influence factor on surface roughness is confirmed.The results show that the surface roughness increases with the increases in feed per tooth and radial width,and decreases with the increase of spindle speed.Moreover,surface roughness decrease with the increase of tilt angle and lead angle first and then increases.The influence degree in feed per tooth,radial depth of cut,spindle speed,tilt angle and lead angle on surface roughness is in decreasing order.
Keywords:orthogonal experiment;hardened die steel;machining parameter;surface roughness