微沟槽车刀切削高强度合金钢AISI 4140残余应力的试验研究
作者:吴艳英1,吴锦行2,罗湛2 单位:1贵州理工学院;2贵州民族大学
Experimental Study on Residual Stress of High Strength Alloy Steel
Based on Cutting MicroGroove Turning Tool AISI 4140
Wu Yanying,Wu Jinxing,Luo Zhan
Abstract:Coated cemented original turning tool and the micro groove tool are used to cut the same high strength alloy steel AISI 4140.Through the cutting test and theoretical analysis,this paper compares with the radial distribution of the residual stress on the surface of the new cemented carbide coating micro groove turning tool and the original turning tool.The results show that the micro groove turning tool can improve the residual compressive stress in thickness and maximum value,reduce the residual tensile residual stress and thickness of surface of the workpiece material tensile stress value.
Keywords:micro groove turnig tool;original turning tool;residual stress;experiment