作者:谭一丁1,何林2,邹中妃1,刘杨1,刘冰1 单位:1贵州大学;2六盘水师范学院
Design of Micro Groove on Cutting Tool Rake Face Based on Temperature Field Simulation
Tan Yiding,He Lin,Zou Zhongfei,Liu Yang,Liu Bing
Abstract:The finite element software DEFORM3D is used to simulate the cutting process of cemented carbide coated turning tool.The temperature field distribution characteristics and feature point data of the rake face are obtained.The feature point data are used to reconstruct the temperature surface in 3D modeling software UG which can be used to form a rake face microgroove structure with lower cutting temperature,can be used as reference for the design and development of new high durability tool.
Keywords:temperature field;tool design;rake face;microgroov