作者:许晋1,2,庞安定1,刘鹏程1,左小陈1,李屏1,2,王社权1,2,彭志华1 单位:1株洲钻石切削刀具股份有限公司;2硬质合金国家重点实验室
Study on VibrationResist Mechanism and Design of Variable Helix End Mill
Xu Jin,Pang Anding,Liu Pengcheng,Zuo Xiaocheng,Li Ping,Wang Shequan,Peng Zhihua
Abstract:Analyzing vibration of traditional end mill in working,this paper presents vibrationresist mechanism of variable helix end mill.As the structural characteristic,formulas to calculate the length of cutting edges intervals between each other of the variable helix end mill in a peripheral direction are deduced.The formulas are proved by the flutes in crosssections perpendicular to the axis.The application of the formulas is explained.According to the formulas,the factors influencing intervals between each cutting edge are analyzed.Furthermore,the effect of end mill the diameter,helix angles and pitch angles.The design method for variable helix end mill is advanced.In order to prove vibrationresist of variable helix end mill,cutting comparative experiment of corner and plane milling is done.The experimental results show that variable helix end mill compared with conventional end mill can be applied to determine vibration and improve surface roughness of the workpieces.
Keywords:vibration;vibrationresist mechanism;variable helix end mill;toolstudiao;interval;helix angles;pitch angles;cutting edges