作者:李殿新 单位:煤科院节能技术有限公司;煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室;国家能源煤炭高效利用与节能减排技术装备重点实验室
摘要:以某龙门铣床的长行程进给轴为对象,研究了定位误差的鲁棒建模方法。在4个不同的环境温度下测量了进给轴的定位误差并建立了误差模型,发现4个误差模型的系数相差很大。为了建立一个能在各种环境温度下使用的定位误差模型,首先根据4组试验结果拟合出室温环境温度为20℃时的定位误差,然后将该误差作为基准,考虑环境温度变化对定位误差的影响,从而建立了定位误差模型。使用建立的误差模型拟合4个环境温度下测量到的定位误差,164个试验值的拟合残差都在[-3.208 μm,3.127 μm]的范围内,说明建立的误差模型具有很高的鲁棒性。
Research on Robust Modeling Method for Positioning Error of Long Stroke Feed Shaft of Gantry Milling Machine Tool
Li Dianxin
Abstract:Taking a long stroke feed shaft of a gantry milling machine tool as the research target,robust modeling method for positioning error was researched.Positioning errors of the feed shaft were measured under 4 different environmental temperatures,and correspondingerror models were established.However,coefficients of the error models differgreatly.In order to establish a positioning error model which can be used for all working conditions,positioning errors of the feed shaft at environmental temperature of 20℃ were fitted.Taking the fitted errors as the reference and considering the influence of environmental temperature on positioning errors,the final positioning error was established.Using the final positioning error model to fit the positioning errors measured under 4 different environmental temperatures,residual errors of the 164 positioning errors were within the scope of [-3.208μm,3.127μm].High robustness of the error model can be proved.
Keywords: positioning error;error modeling;feed shaft;robustness;environmental temperature