作者:郝碧君,陈妮,李亮,郭月龙,何宁 单位:南京航空航天大学
Tool Wear Condition Recognition in Drilling Based on 
Wavelet Packet Analysis and LSSVM
Hao Bijun,Chen Ni,Li Liang,Guo Yuelong,He Ning
Abstract:In order to identify the wear condition of the drilling tools effectively,this paper presents the condition recognition method based on the wavelet packet analysis and least squares support vector machine(LSSVM).This method monitored the axial drilling forces and tool condition during the drilling process,and used the time domain analysis,frequency domain analysis and wavelet packet analysis method to extract the signal features.The signal features which are extracted could reflect the wear condition of the tool as much as possible are deemed as feature vectors.A classification recognition model based on LSSVM is established to improve the accuracy of the tool condition recognition model.The experimental results show that this method could improve the recognition accuracy of tool wear condition.
Keywords:tool condition recognition;feature extraction;wavelet packet analysis;least squares support vector machine (LSSVM)