基于ABAQUS和Python的镍基高温合金Inconel 718的车削仿真
作者:李钦奉,刘柳,宋霄,李辉,刘汉阳 单位:江苏科技大学
摘要:为了准确地对镍基高温合金Inconel 718 的车削过程进行仿真,并找出影响车削力的主要可控变量,应用ABAQUS有限元软件较精确地对镍基高温合金Inconel 718 的车削加工过程进行仿真,模拟车削加工过程中背吃刀量、切削线速度、进给量等可控因素对刀具主切削力、进给抗力、切深抗力的影响。调用Python中的Pandas库读取正交试验表中的数据并算出各因素对刀具受力的相关系数矩阵,通过对比相关系数得出各主要因素对刀具受力影响程度的大小,验证了该材料车削仿真的准确性。
Turning Simulation of Nickelbased Superalloy Inconel 718 
Based on ABAQUS and Python
Li Qinfeng,Liu Liu,Song Xiao,Li Hui,Liu Hanyang
Abstract:In order to accurately simulate the turning process of Nibased superalloy Inconel 718 and find the main controllable variables affecting the turning force,ABAQUS,a largescale general finite element software,is used to simulate the turning process of Nibased superalloy Inconel 718  more accurately,in the process of turning machining.The influence of controllable factors such as the amount of knife,cutting line speed and feed rate on the cutting force,feed resistance and depth of cut of the tool.Call the Pandas library in Python to read the data in the orthogonal test table and calculate the correlation coefficient matrix of each factor on the force of the tool.By comparing the correlation coefficient,the degree of influence of each main factor on the force of the tool is obtained.The accuracy of the material turning simulation was verified.
Keywords:nickelbased superalloy;turning force model;Pandas library;correlation coefficient matrix