作者:朱昱1,王成1,朱杨杨1,倪红军1,沈伟平1,2 单位:1南通大学;2南通百盛精密机械有限责任公司
Simulation Research on Cutting Process of 7075 Aluminum Alloy 
Based on DEFORM
Zhu Yu,Wang Cheng,Zhu Yangyang,Ni Hongjun,Shen Weiping
Abstract:Taking 7075 aluminum alloy as the cutting carrier,the finite element model of aluminum alloy cutting is established by using the turning module in DEFORM simulation software.The simulation results are analyzed and the cutting force variation,workpiece stress and cutting surface heat distribution are obtained.Through the cutting force measurement experiment,the results show that the variation trend of simulation value is consistent with that of measurement value,which proves the validity of the simulation post processing results.Based on this result,the influence of the tool geometry on the cutting process is studied.This method provides a new way to determine the tool geometry of cutting 7075 aluminum alloy in practice.
Keywords:7075 aluminum alloy;DEFORM;tool geometry