作者:赵科学1,2,刘业峰1,2,赵元1,2,陶林1,2,李康举1,陈经伟3 单位:1沈阳工学院辽宁省数控机床信息物理融合与智能制造重点实验室;2沈阳工学院机械与运载学院;3沈阳机床(集团)有限责任公司
中图分类号:TG51;TH165 文献标志码:ADOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7008.2019.01.016
Maching Strategy of High Precision Formula Curve Parts in 828D System 
Zhao Kexue,LiuYefeng,Zhao Yuan,Tao Lin,Li Kangju,Chen Jingwei
Abstract:In NC turning, the parametric programming of equal distance straight line fitting is usually used in high precision formula curve processing.In this method, the critical position of the contour of the formula curve and the contour of the straight line is machined.Because the step of the critical point can not be rectified,the principle error is produced,which causes the overcut or undercut in the cutting tool processing,and seriously affects the quality and service life of the workpiece.In order to avoid overcutting and undercutting of workpiece,a compulsory assignment method for parametric programming with equal spacing step size is proposed in this paper.The processing accuracy of the critical point of the formula curve is greatly improved, and the method is proved to be correct.
Keywords:high precision;formula curve;SMTCL T2C;828D CNC;forced valuation method