作者:姜子钘1,周军1,孟金昌2,孟森森3 单位:1哈尔滨焊接研究院有限公司;2华中科技大学;3沈阳工业大学
Measurement of Short Arc Based on Difference of Radius 
Constraint Least Square Circle Fitting
Jiang Zixing,Zhou Jun,Meng Jinchang,Meng Sensen
Abstract:In the process of short arc measurement,the leastsquare method is difficult to offer a high precision due to the lack of feature points and the influence of noise jamming.This paper takes large gear as the research object.On the basis of the least square method fitting,proposed the radius difference constraint least square fitting method.Firstly calculates the radius of a patch point on the large gear,then the center of the large gear is fitted with the radius constraint least square circle fitting method.The applications of simulation data and real data processing,prove that using this method can effectively improve the accuracy of circle fitting.
Keywords:short arc;least square method;noncontact measurement