作者:王宝珠1,费莉1,李文娟1,喻婷1,彭凯2 单位:1重庆邮电大学移通学院;2重庆理工大学
Subdivision Method for Grating Signal Based on Time Series 
Analysis and Dynamic Prediction
Wang Baozhu,Fei Li,Li Wenjuan,Yu Ting,Peng Kai
Abstract:In order to improve the subdivision multiplier and precision of optical grating,a subdivision method of optical grating signal based on timespace transformation and dynamic prediction is proposed.The relationship between the grating pitch and the signal period is utilized to transform the space datum into time series.The timerelated sampling is triggered by zerocrossing of sinusoidal signal.A dynamic prediction model is also established based on time series analysis to predict the sampling time.The subdivision pulse is transmitted in predicted time.Experimental results show that the subdivision errors both achieve ±1.2″ when the subdivision multipliers are 400 and 800.The subdivision error varies similarly with the acceleration value or its change rate.
Keywords:optical grating;precision subdivision;timespace transformation;dynamic prediction;time series