作者:胡礼文,魏兆成,王敏杰,马日光 单位:大连理工大学
Research on Mechanism of Effect of Cooling Temperature on
Chip Morphology of Difficulttocut Alloys
Hu Liwen,Wei Zhaocheng,Wang Minjie,Ma Riguang
Abstract:FV520B precipitationhardened stainless steel and TC4 titanium alloy are two typical difficulttocut alloys,and the chip formation mechanism of the two materials under different cutting speeds and jet temperatures is analyzed by using the liquid nitrogen jet cooling device developed by ourselves.Studies have shown that under the effect of liquid nitrogen jet cooling,the chips of the two materials still generate adiabatic shear,and with the increasing of cutting speed and the reducing of the fluid temperature,serrated chip degree and serrated pitch increased significantly,adiabatic shear band width and angle of shear band is reduced in different degree,low temperature chip breaker condition dramatically improved contrast with the normal temperature condition.
Keywords:difficulttocut alloys;liquid nitrogen jet;microstructure of chip;adiabatic shear