作者:仝朋艳1,张鹏1,王永军1,韩艳彬2,刘波2,郭全庆2 单位:1西北工业大学;2西安飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司
摘要:采用标准试样在材料试验机上按照规定的试验方法和程序,通过准静态单向拉伸试验得到航空领域常用2024、6061、7075 三种规格的铝合金板料不同状态、不同厚度和取向(轧制方向、横向、45°方向)的拉伸性能参数及应力应变数据。选用HockettSherby双 Voce模型,通过最小二乘法拟合未经淬火处理的合金板料的真实应力—真实应变曲线,选取Swift模型拟合经淬火处理的合金板料真实应力—应变曲线,得到相应的模型参数。
Tensile Properties and Stressstrain Curve Fitting of 
Aluminum Alloy Sheets Commonly Used for Aviation
Tong Pengyan,Zhang Peng,Wang Yongjun,Han Yanbin,Liu Bo,Guo Quanqing
Abstract:By using material of 2024,6061 and 7075 aluminum alloy under different heat treatment states,material thickness and specimen direction,the tensile properties and strain stress curves of three types of aviation commonly are analyzed.The rolling direction(RD),45° angle to the rolling direction,transverse direction(TD) respectively are gained by the quasistatic uniaxially standard tensile test methods and procedures.Then the true stressstrain curves are converted from engineering stressstrain curves and are fitted with the least square method by the HoustonSherby dual Voce model for unquenched aluminum and by the original Swift model for quenched aluminum alloy samples respectively.
Keywords:aluminum alloy 2024,6061,7075;quasistatic stretching;tensile properties;stressstrain curves fitting