镍基高温合金Inconel 718在不同冷却润滑条件下的切削仿真研究
作者:王哲1,沈雪红2 单位:1西安航空职业技术学院;2西北工业大学
摘要:为探究冷却润滑条件对难加工材料镍基高温合金Inconel 718切削加工质量影响规律,基于Advantedge有限元软件,采用三种不同的冷却润滑方式,对Inconel 718材料进行干式切削、浇注式切削、低温冷风微量润滑切削仿真,对比分析不同冷却及润滑条件对切削力、切削温度、切屑形态、残余应力变化的影响规律。
Cutting Simulation of Nickelbased Superalloy Inconel 718 under Different 
Cooling and Lubrication Conditions
Wang Zhe,Shen Xuehong
Abstract:In order to explore the influence of cooling and lubrication conditions on the cutting quality of difficult to cut materials Inconel 718,the cutting simulation of Inconel 718 by three different cooling and lubrication modes is carried out based on the finite element software Advantedge.Three mentioned modes are dry cutting,pouring cutting and low temperature cold air Microlubrication cutting.The cutting force and cutting temperature under different cooling and lubrication conditions are compared and analyzed.
Keywords:nickelbased superalloy;cutting simulation;cooling and lubrication;residual stress