作者:张恒明 单位:陕西国防工业职业技术学院
Collision Energy Consumption Analysis of Particle Filled with Boring Tool
Zhang Hengming
Abstract:The mechanical model of the twoparticle collision along the center line on the elastic extrusion,elastoplastic extrusion and elastic recovery is established respectively.By using ABAQUS to simulate the collision of two particles along the center line,the main form of energy dissipation is obtained,and the optimal conditions of the material of the damping particles are clarified.The correctness of the simulation is verified by cutting experiments.The results show that under the condition of the same experimental conditions,the boring tool filled with aluminum bronze powder has better damping effect,the power spectral density value of the boring tool at the firstorder natural frequency is 2.464,which is reduced by 30.88% compared with the filling of iron powder.The greater the plasticity of the particles,the stronger the collision energy consumption.
Keywords:mechanical model;ABAQUS simulation;power spectral density