作者:刘焕牢1,李小力2,苏妙静1,王宇林1,刘璨1 单位:1广东海洋大学;2华中科技大学
New Research Field for CNC Machine Tool Error Compensation:
Dynamic Characters of Volumetric Error
Liu Huanlao,Li Xiaoli,Su Miaojing,Wang Yulin,Liu Can
Abstract:The inaccuracy reason of the CNC machine tool compensation method is definitely given which is lack of dynamic volumetric research based on the history reviews.The analysis of the recent volumetric research has showed that the future important field in the error compensation is the dynamic character of the volumetric error especially include the three parallel axis of the machine tools.The progress would be more important in the theory and industry.
Keywords:CNC machine tool;volumetric error;backlash error;dynamic characters